
Anna Weister Andersson is a freelancing gospel artist. She sings and plays the piano and is active as a songwriter, choir conductor and worship leader. She studied jazz music at Skurups Folkhögskola and Malmö Academy of Music. For many years she was a member and songwriter in the choir Gospel Company. Between 2001-2012 she worked at Glimåkra Gospellinje teaching choir, vocals and piano. During this period she also led the gospelchoir Pearls of Joy, Limhamn. 

Since 2006 she has been part of Bodekull Gospel & Jazz Orchestra as a vocalist and songwriter. She has recorded three CD:s together with the band. The band has made several tours featuring the swedish gospel artist Samuel Ljungblahd

In 2010 Anna received Roland Utbult Stipendiet, which is awarded once a year to a swedish christian artist/musician. The same year she formed the group One In Christ with some of Sweden's most gifted gospel singers and musicians, amongst them  Frank Ådahl . The group recorded the CD A Message of Love, containing Anna's original music and the album was released in 2011. Her songs have also been spread in Europe, the U.S. and Japan. 

In 2010 her most well known song Jesus is  right here now was released on the CD My time, my favor by Walt Whitman & The Soul Children of Chicago. The same year her song It's here for you was released on the CD One thing by the swedish gospel choir By Grace. In December 2015 her song Through it all was released on the CD Life and worship by the Chicago based gospel artist Cinque Cullar in a collaboration with the swedish choir Solid Gospel. Featured soloist on the song is Kim McFarland, who also is part of 'Donald Lawrence & Co' and 'Thompson Community Singers'.

In January 2013 Anna and her husband Andreas moved to London, U.K. to be part of the christian community Lee Abbey London. During the time in London Anna formed a gospel quartet with three singers from the city. She was also part of the gospel choir Soul Sanctuary.


Between April 2014 and August 2017 Anna and Andreas lived in North Yorkhire, U.K. where they were part of the Scargill Community. During this time Anna volonteered as a worship leader.


In August 2017 Anna and Andreas moved back to Sweden and lived for two years in Östra Grevie outside Malmö. During this time Anna started the choir project called Gospel för Hela Människan. In September 2019 they moved to Linköping, but the project is still running. 


In September 2020 Anna released a new album titled Give us compassion together with her group One In Christ. The album contains 12 of her songs. For more information about the album visit:


Foto: Simeon Hagström